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My heart skips a beat reading this. Really? ET will be here? Maybe phoning home, or not, but here.
Or will it be a space person in a silver suit, who despite best intentions, terrorizes us?
Or a little green man?
Or some kind of horrifying, jaw ejecting entity that wants to incubate somewhere warm?
The possibilities are endless and my imagination leaps at what this might mean. Of course I have Hollywood to thank for much of this. Nothing like the special effect team who have filled my head with C3PO and R2D2, Klingons, Vulcans, and on and on. Possibly all housed in Area 51.
But somehow I think the truth behind this statement is a little less….dramatic. Heart stopping. Somehow what I think what Ellen Stofan is predicting is that there will be microbe, something contained in a little glass dish, that you will need a microscope to see (possibly while wearing full protective Hazmat suits) that has been picked up on the surface of somewhere out there and brought back. The first signs of life. The first signs that there might have been life.
Not so dramatic but still might make a great movie.
I’m waiting for the mother ship to offer me a lift to another galaxy. I hope they show up soon.