Earth Day My Love For You, Sweet Earth by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

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  For Earth Day some things to ponder.

A Poem My Love For You, Sweet Earth

My love for you, sweet Earth, my mother,
I cannot hide – I do not crave
The phantom pleasures of that other,
That spectral world beyond the grave.
O spring, the blessedness of Eden
Compared to yours as nothing is!
Love’s joys you bring us all unbidden,
And golden dreams, and light, and bliss.

What rapture to drink in the balmy,
Warm air of spring, to languor wed,
And watch the clouds drift slowly, calmly
High in the blueness overhead;
To wander happily and idly
Across a field and past a stream,
To catch the scent of blooming lilac
Or chance upon a radiant dream!..

by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev


And some wonderful pictures of spring HERE. via HERE.


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