The Versatile Blogger Award

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I would like to thank Jennifer from Down-Home South Jersey for picking me to win The Versatile Blogger Award.

I received this award and I started to worry because you have to find 5 to 15 other bloggers who you think is worthy of getting this award but luckily I follow a few blogs who I think deserve it. Since I am so busy with homework, after school activities, reading etc, I do not have a lot of time to read other blogs. But luckily I have my mom who points me to blogging events where I meet new bloggers. But first, for the people who I gave this award to, I would like to let them know what they have to do. You have to…

a.  Write a post accepting the award and show the award’s image.

b.  List seven random, quirky facts about yourself – things that probably haven’t already come up in your blog posts.

c.  Pass the award on to 5-15 other blogs, ones that you already follow or for which you solicit invitations.

And now I will list 7 quirky facts about myself.

1. I like sticking a spoon on my nose without holding it.
2. I do NaNoWriMo for fun.
3. I like to have light saber fights outside with my dad in the sumer.
4. I have memorized the first 20 digits of pie.
5. I can memorize any and all of the funny lines from a movie which I have seen only once.
6. I sing Christmas carols in the middle of the summer.
7. I went to a gala and did not recognize Bill Clinton.

Now I would like to award the Versatile Blogger Award.

Parenthetical – A blog were an adult reviews books for YA and a person who loves to let the opinions fly (in a good way) and there are also some interesting give aways.

Presenting Lenore   – An adult who reviews books for Young Adults but throws in a twist with her gorgeous cats, and wonderful interviews.

In Bed With Books – A college graduate who lives in Texas who reviews books for teens but these books can be read and love by all.

Farmgirl Fare – Want to see some cute pictures and great recipes? Head on over to Farmgirl Susan’s blog Farmgirl Fare.

Smexy Books – Do you want a steamy book? Head over to Smexy books and I am sure that you will find the book you need. With hot (literally) books you will not need to look any further.

So once again I would like to thank Jennifer to choosing me to win this award. I hope that the people I chose will pass it on.

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