Library. Barnes and Noble. Borders(though not any more). Drug Stores. Schools. And More. You can get books from all of these various places and many others. So, my mother the other day went to a different library. While she was there she was looking for some books and found this one book on South Africa which she thought I would enjoy (it’s a book of short stories) and so she borrowed it. She told me to read the book (which by the way is titled Somehow Tenderness SurvivesStories of Southern Africa selected by Hazel Rochman) and so I pick up the book and when I picked it up my finger slipped to the last page and I felt something there. I did not know what it was but it felt like paper or one of the bar codes on the back of books but it felt like it was peeling off. I ignored it and started reading but then my finger slipped to the last page again and I realized that is was just a page – not the last last page where they usually put the bar code. So I just had to investigate. When I turned to the last page there was a sticky notes with the words “Hello” and a smiley face. But what was above it blew me away. It is a paper crane the size of two finger nails. One wing is taped and if you gently pull the other wing out it opens up to the beautiful crane. My mother had noticed it too and it is just magnificent because to think that someone actually made this and put it in the book, deliberately, and I just though to share it with you. This is because you can find all sorts of things in books. I have gotten books with drawings in them and I even sometimes get spy novel which have paper in it with clues so it seems that someone was trying to stay one step ahead of the novel. I thought that this was so cool so I had to share it with you.
Yes, it is a great find. I have never had the guts to do something like that. Also just because I am not that creative. I always find it such a nice surprise when I find something in a book. If it is something really interesting (and not odd and disgusting.) 🙂
Thank you for checking my blog and I hope that you check back soon.
Ah you are so lucky. What a fantastic find! I’m going to have to put gifts like this in books when I send them out, like a bonus present!
Yes, it is a great find. I have never had the guts to do something like that. Also just because I am not that creative. I always find it such a nice surprise when I find something in a book. If it is something really interesting (and not odd and disgusting.) 🙂
Thank you for checking my blog and I hope that you check back soon.