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We got our beloved cat Merlin in 2005. I desperately wanted a cat because, well, I just love cats. So one day in late September my mother and I went into Petco. I had a habit of begging my mom to go and look at the cats (and the fish, and the hamsters, and the ferrets, and basically anything else they sell there that breathes – except the crickets) while we were near Petco. We usually did not get anything and I usually came out with the big and teary eyes. The only difference this time was that there were quite a lot of cats this Saturday. As we walked in I was greeted with the little mews and I instantly ran over to the different cages. We were there for about an hour and I kept walking over to this cage with these two white kittens in it. When it was time to go I was whining and saying no. I had found a cat which I liked and I was NOT leaving. So after a little more begging, she finally gave in after a lot and a lot of thinking and a lot of the“Its going to be a big responsibility. You are going to have to feed him and clean him and do his litter.”
So I said yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I wanted the white kitten. I would fly to the moon if I had to to get this kitten. Eventually they let me hold the kitten and I knew that he was right for me and then the paper was being filled out and the phone calls were being made. When we brought him home he was very small and only 8 weeks old. It took a few weeks for him to be better because he was a rescue cat and he had ear mites and he had glassy eyes but our love and some medication made him all better.
In a few weeks he had rounded out and was a little bigger and in about a year he was about the size he is now and he was very energetic (and still is). He finds enough ways to be under our feet and sometimes to be pesky as ever. But we still love him and could not live without him. Usually.