George Washington, Spymaster by Thomas B. Allen

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April 30: George Washington becomes the first ...

Image via Wikipedia

“How the Americans outspied the British and won The Revolutionary War.”

In school we are studying The American Revolution and our teacher assigned us a project to research an aspect of the Revolutionary War (tactics, a person, weapons, etc.) and write a 4 page paper on it. I was originally going to do Spies Techniques for Communication during the Revolutionary War but when I went to my local library and met with my lovely reference librarian, I had a change in heart. She brought out this book, which she knew instantly off the top of her head (did I mention that she is amazing at being a reference library, no?, well she is), and she found it for me. Then I went on a hunt for more books and could not find anything. So she had the heart to go onto the librarians system and gave me quite a few pages worth of information on The Revolutionary War and Espionage. So I took it all home and I started reading this book. As soon as I got about 10 pages in, I knew that I wanted to change my topic from what I originally had to George Washington, Spymaster. I originally did not think the Revolutionary War was interesting but this book changed my views. This book has wonderful illustrations so it is not full of only text and the illustrations enhance the reading experience.

This book taught me a lot about George Washington. I knew that he was the first President, and I knew that he was a well-known and a well-respected General. I also knew that he had to do with spying. But what I did not know was that he was a Spymaster. I just thought he was a spy. Not a spymaster. This book did not only teach you about Washington, but it also taught you about the Revolutionary War. So if you are struggling to understand espionage, or even if you just want to learn, this was a very good book. Exciting and interesting and I guarantee, if you pay attention, you will come away from with book with learing something.

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